Monday, February 27, 2017

Progress Review #1

It is the end of the first full month since I've started my new direction. At least until I completely finish my initial purchase, I want to do a review at the end of the month to look at the progress I have made and where I plan to go next month. I had hope I would get more accomplish but at least I've made more progress than my usual pace last year.

As you can see I only got to Team Yankee stuff this month. All six tanks are mostly assembled. One of the smoke launchers was deflective so the far end T-72 can't be finished until I get the replacement in about 2 weeks. The Leopard 2 and one T-72 is fully primed and I started painting them. I should get to/finish priming the remaining 3 T-72s tomorrow. I was really up in the air on how to paint my tanks. For some reason green and red was strongly appealing for both countries. For West German I wanted to do green, red and yellow camo. I didn't have the right shade of yellow so I had to buy it. For the Soviets I was leading to green as a main color, something else for a secondary color for one formation and red as a main color with the green as a secondary for the other formation. I was a little worried at first that my two countries were going to look too similar. Fortunately I don't think that will be an issue now. I had a lot of Flames of War paint I've never used and it help solve my dilemma. It had a brown in the set that look like red to me. I thought it was the perfect shade for my Germans and I knew I wanted a stronger red for my Soviets. Even better the set had two different greens: Reflective Green and Luftwaffe Green.

Luftwaffe Green was what I was feeling towards my West Germans. The Reflective Green is suitably different to work with my Soviets. I've only just started painting but I'm liking what I'm seeing so far. The next thing I need to try is red for the other Soviet formation. Funny enough I already have a strong red from Games Workshop.

I'm going to use that red camo with the Reflective Green. I hope this comes out well as I'm picking my colors in the Joy of Painting style. I hope to be done with the painting on most of the tanks in a week or two. After that I'm going to need to pick up a gloss spray so I can follow in the footsteps of what Tracy did for his Soviets. It might have been what I did wrong with my US as I didn't put a gloss coat on before I added the shade.

For next month I plan on finishing the tanks, do a little work on the Gepard and Fliegerfaust Gruppe I already had, start on the Plague Monks and Relic Knights and maybe do something with BattleTech. I don't see myself getting into the Hordes stuff until April or May. Let see how much of this I can get done by the end of March.

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