Sunday, October 27, 2019

My Misadventures at Painting Continues... Plus a Tournament!

On Friday I decided to do some painting on my Statue of Liberty in hopes of having at least one model that looks almost finished for the tournament on Saturday (yesterday). I wasn't going for an accurate look got for the Statue, especially since I'm planning on painting the main body copper, in theory the color the Statue of Liberty was when France delivered it to the U.S. For the stone pedestal I was going for colors that would look good and that I own. One of those colors, Game Color's Bonewhite came in a bottle that was a decade old. I use Bonewhite when I want something to look whitish. I tend to use it fairly often but in low amounts. And that is what lead to my misadventure Friday.

I got the table ready for painting and tried to squeeze Bonewhite paint onto my palette. Nothing came out. I can hear liquid inside when I shake the bottle so I know it still has paint. A quick look at the nozzle tells me its clogged. I grab a toothpick and stabbed it in the nozzle. With the nozzle cleared, I tried squeezing paint onto my palette again. A very small dab came out which I decided wasn't enough for my needs. I start squeezing and again nothing came out. I had confirmation bias with the small amount of paint on my palette and thought the remaining paint must have congeal so I continued to squeeze. Had I realize having the paint congeal and in a liquid state that I could hear were mutually exclusive, I would have saved myself a lot of headache. Instead I continued to squeeze until the bottle exploded! I got paint all over the table and my clothes and me. My shirt was already ruined as I only wear it around the home so no lost there. My shorts on the other hand were fine shorts are now probably ruined. I had covered the table in newspaper so it escaped being coated in paint. Fortunately I didn't get any paint in my eyes (thought I did get it on an eyelid) and I didn't get any paint in the carpet. My palette did get the additional paint that I wanted, you could say it got a little too much!

I dip my finger into it Saturday morning thinking it had dried. It hadn't. I suppose that much paint takes longer to dry. I found the nozzle on the floor (amazingly without getting any paint on the floor) and what I should have figure out before became crystal clear what happen. The nozzle was clogged at both ends. The dab of paint must have been in the nozzle itself. The toothpick was too thick to properly clear the nozzle. You could say something like this ruined my desire to paint. However I knew all of my Bonewhite was now on that palette and I didn't have the option to use it another time. I painted what I had planned on using the Bonewhite for, though as an added insult I notice something about my Statue of Liberty. Both of my Monsterpocalypse buildings got a little paint on them. Neither building will take much to fix but I notice the Statue of Liberty had 3 places the place could of landed on. The one place it DIDN'T touch was the part I was going to paint!

All of this led to my second Monsterpocalypse tournament on Saturday. I'm no where near having my own playable force so I was planning on just using Tracy stuff though I did use some of my own models this time. The first tournament I was confident that could do well if not win. I lost every game to took last place. For this tournament got less practice in, I was playing Destroyers which I'm less familiar with and I throw together a force based on what I own and which few units I knew. Based on all that I figure I would get last again. It didn't surprise me that my force did not work well together. What did surprised me was that I went 2 wins, 1 lost in the tournament and got second place. Both tournaments had the same 4 players and both times everyone played everyone. After the tournament I realize with the exception of Tracy whom won every game he played, every match result in this tournament was the reserval of the first tournament's. Second place got the building prize because Tracy already had one so he let whom ever took second have it, which again was me. Overall this was a very weird weekend with a lot of highs and lows for me. I've lost half a bottle of paint and shorts but I've learn a little more about painting and the game Monsterpocalypse. I also got a little more painting done and walk away from the a tournament with a new building. I guess I should say this weekend was worth it!

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