Tuesday, May 7, 2013

What's Next

I have several new projects I will be starting soon on this blog. Foremost among these have to do with the Master's Campaign. The Master's Campaign combines rules from several different campaign systems. Army lists are static. Once written our army list do not change and we keep track of where each unit is located on the game map. Casualties from battles can become permanent so attrition becomes a factor in the campaign. There will be points where we will get resources to resupply our armies. I will not be running the Master's Campaign but I will be participating. I've learn the campaign is starting a lot sooner than I thought so I have work to do. I do not know what role this blog will have in the campaign as some of that will depend on the GM. However the GM has a story to tell with the campaign and I will like to use this blog to enhanced my involvement with said story.

Campaign aside though somewhat related, another project I will be starting is a painting log. Taking pictures of my Badlands campaign reminded me that I have a lot of minis that I need to put together and paint. I hope having a showcase here will encourage me to pick up the brush more. My showcase will include items outside of my Warriors of Chaos army. A friend has gotten me interest in BattleTech recently. Starting a new miniature game with a model count much lower than I use to, it should be easy to keep the army painted. First thing on my paint log is to complete and paint 10 of my custom Forsaken models and paint my currently only BattleTech model, a Valiant.

The last set of projects will be me writing articles and a story. The first few articles I want to write will be mostly about Warriors of Chaos but it is my hope to eventually write worthwhile articles about other Warhammer armies, other aspects of the hobby as well as other miniature games. And lastly, I have an idea for a three part story that will tell the beginnings of a Warriors of Chaos army I will like to play in a campaign sometime.

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