My German Flames of War army is a mess. Like a scrapyard, my army is a collection of unassembled troops and vehicles along with a handful vehicles assembled and primed but not painted. That is why when I saw the late war deal Battlefront was doing, I decided to ignore what I already had and based my purchases on making the core of a new army. I used the Berlin list because it is the only one I own. Also, given the list is such a hodgepodge of choices, I have the option to try out various designs and have it make sense as the list is literally whatever was still working in Berlin at the time thrown together to make an army, regardless what army it came from. I'm still going to paint the army non-historic fantasy colors. I have decided to use the German decals instead of trying to create my own fantasy ones.
That was the plan when I made my ordered. I have gotten a couple of surprises since then. First, two-thirds of my order was out of stock. Its not going to cost me anything extra but it is a little frustrating as I don't know when I will get the rest of my order. Two things I really wanted to work on: an unit of tanks and 2 AA guns, I have to wait until who knows when for them to get here. What I did get was this:
The first thing that surprised me when I opened the box was the sniper. I've been out of the loop about Battlefront news and I really didn't expect the sniper to come with the Team Yankee style cards. I suppose they were getting introduce to late war when I quit being active. Very cool but unexpected to me. I only brought the sniper because it was cheap and it got me over the minimum amount needed for free shipping. My other surprise is the Bedb... the Kleinpanzer Wanze tank unit. I was hoping since it was a newer product that the Wanze unit would be plastic. I enjoy working with plastic over metal or resin. To my dismay, the Wanze tanks are resin, which makes sense. To my knowledge the Berlin list is the only one with the Wanze tanks as an option and you can only take one of them. From the company prospective, product that sells high volumes is better to do in plastic while product that doesn't sell as well is better to do as metal or resin. As much as I would love to have a lot more Wanze tank units, there is no game reason for me to buy more than one, which is why it is in resin.
At least I have some tanks to start working on. And as much as I don't want to, I have troops to work on as well. As for colors, I will prime my army with yellow/gold and paint the models grey and either dark red or dark blue. Which colors I pick would depend if the unit is from the army (Heer) or air force (Luftwaffe). Then I remember a lot of this list as well as what I purchase is not in either. I suppose I still have something to decided before I start painting. In any case, I will start priming within the next week or two.