This month did not go according to my plans at all. I would like to say there was a lot going on behind the scenes and to a certain extent this is true. However my plans were far more ambitions than what my skills could keep up with. I added more projects to my plate and underestimated how long it would take me to complete them. I think the best thing for me to do is to talk about what I did get done, what I had plan to get done and what are my plans going forward.
I started a third blog. Beside this one, they are about League of Legends and Shadowrun. I have not done anything with League of Legends because the eSports scene moves fast and I am not able to write fast enough to keep up. Also just staying on top of the games is very tiring. On average it takes 30 hours a week for me to watch 2 of the 5 major leagues and its easy to fall behind. I'm probably going to have to wait until the summer split before I will have the time and skill to write about eSports. The Shadowrun blog will be for a new project that I didn't think will feel right putting here. I'm apart of a new Shadowrun table top campaign and I thought it would be interesting to write about my character's adventures in that game as an ongoing story. My new Shadowrun blog will host this story, "A Spirit of Shadowrun" which should happen twice a month. I'm half way done with the first session's rough draft so I'm hoping I will be able to keep this up. In the future the Shadowrun blog will be a perfect place for other projects like my idea for the Shadowrun: Crossfire show and me just writing about interesting Shadowrun sessions of the past. For now "A Spirit of Shadowrun" is the only thing I'm planning on working on for those two blogs.
For Holy Moon/Scarlet Nights I am still working on background information. I'm fleshing out details on Thylalon and it is taking longer than I had thought. In the meantime I've played many more Warhammer games as Bretonnia so I'm getting a feel for how they work. I've also pick up the Bretonnia Battalion and will put them in the queue to be work on after some Team Yankee stuff. Holy Moon is high on my list to get done but I'm so bad at judging how long it will take that I'm hesitant to give a release date for the first episode.
Helping Tracy move and waiting for him to setup his new studio cut into our time to do anything with Team Yankee or the podcast. Now that is all done we will be doing more video content on Team Yankee. I have also pick up infantry and the M113 box. We are currently planning on going to a Team Yankee event in another city at the end of March. Tracy has order several new Soviet models, so getting our new stuff assembled will be a top priority for us both. Getting them primed or painted will be gravy but I am not holding my breath on that. The podcast has constantly been delayed but we will get back to doing it. The podcast will be very different from what it was last year. It has become clear that the focus of the podcast will be on Team Yankee instead of Flames of War as we have no plans to play Flames of War anytime soon. I'm sure Flames of War will continue to be apart of our conversation in someway but our interest right now is only on Team Yankee. Lastly, we are strongly considering doing another podcast about games more broadly and adding my Warhammer pal Phil into our discussions.
Since making my first video I've been trying to follow it up with others. Vince Venturella has a youtube series called "Topic of the Week". In these videos Vince talks about a subject that he wants the community to respond to in either the youtube comments or with their own videos. He had two topics this month that I wanted to respond to and I had plan to make them into videos. I have yet to finish either one of those videos. I thought it would only take an afternoon worth of work to do one video but that is clearly not the case for me, at least at my currently level of skill. I do plan on finishing at least one of these videos. Vince gives thought provoking subjects to discuss so I do plan on attempting to make more respond videos. You can find Vince Venturella's youtube channel here.